Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Sunday!

Woke up this morning, my only day off, at 5:30.   I swear, sometimes I want to take my "body clock" and throw it against the wall!  LOL   Weekdays, M-Sat, my alarm goes off at 6:00.  On Sundays, I should be able to sleep until 8 without stirring... but no go! My body wakes up, and if I didn't, my cat would see to it that I got up anyway to feed him.  ;-)
  No worries though.  I got up, made my coffee, and got on the scale.  This morning I'm down 22 lbs since August.  I weighed in at 206.6, and that makes me happy.  It's not a fast loss, but I'm burning a lot of calories during the day, and not being that careful what I eat, so it's going to be slow.  Slow is fine.  Slow is healthy.  At this rate, about 20 lbs in 4 months, I'll be back to my happy 170 by summertime!  Only 36 more to go!  Easy peasy!  :-)

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