Friday, January 28, 2011

Motivation returning... hopefully!

I'm feeling like I can actually get some writing done. Lately, I've just not made time to sit and share feelings or life's little events... Seems like housework, school stuff, and work are occupying my brain for the most part, and I don't feel motivated to sit and type. Although this is a good thing for me... this is my therapy. Getting things off my chest, and venting, is part of the process of overcoming my previous lifestyle. I still get urges to sneak-eat, and I haven't been following a strict calorie intake or exercise plan. Do we go through ups and downs? Can I expect to be bored with my eating every so often and just give in to temptation? Ugh. I suppose. But this current down-swing I'm blaming on the weather. Let's hope when it warms up, I'll have my energy back.
Currently, I'm weighing in around 181, and I feel like if I don't stay on top of it, those little pounds are going to add up. I don't ever see myself being the size I was last year, but I can see myself bouncing up and down... UNLESS I get into a regular exercise program and start finding something more interesting to eat.
Still surviving on my fruit, veggies, and lean meat. But I occasionally have something greasy or fried, and that's when my body tells me ENOUGH! I always feel sluggish the next day if I eat something icky. If only my tummy would communicate better with my brain, I wouldn't eat that stuff in the first place!
I feel like I'm rambling this morning. Maybe after another cup of coffee, I'll be more on top of my game.
I'm writing now for another site, and although some of the posts will be new on the other site, at least for awhile, I think for the most part, they'll be the same posts. There are new readers on the new site, and they need to be caught up! Find that new blog location at I'm listed under blogs, and titled, "Mommy Corner II".

Okay, so in general, I'm feeling good. The chiropractor has me doing some core strength exercises, and I'm cleared to go back to the gym. I'm thinking I need to get my motivation back up, because I'm closing in on a full year of this new eating/lifestyle change, and I still have 20 lbs to lose! Time to crack down! Hmmm... where's that yoga dvd???

Doldrums: GONE!
Optimism: HERE!
Weight Goal Attained: SOON!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Almost a full year now!

Good morning! And welcome to my third entry of the new year! :-)
I've been writing a little less frequently, but that will change... soon! I was afraid after Christmas that my weight would be up a bit, and it was. I've been a little too complacent with my calorie counting, and the scale is giving me a warning. This morning, I was 182. Ugh. Just goes to show you what a couple days of inactivity can do to your maintaining routine.
Today marks the two week countdown to a full year of eating right, and working at this life-long new healthy lifestyle. I started this diet for myself on February 2, 2010. And to date, the lowest I've been is 173. Holidays and inactivity have edged me back up to my current 182, but I'm not concerned. I know what it takes to get back down, and I'm willing to buckle down and get 'er done!
I was watching a new show on MTV the other night, called, "I Used To Be Fat." The young girl on that show started at a weight of 240, and with a trainer's help, lost 80 lbs in about as many days. It just goes to show you, that if you are physically able to at least walk, then you can get healthy. Lower calories, smaller portions, and a small amount of movement will get your weight down. The more exercise you can squeeze into your schedule, the more of a calorie deficit you will create, making the weight come off faster. It's just simple math. :-)
Starting today, I'll start posting my weight more often... and give more updates on my exercise. My mother calls my blog "a good watchdog", and she's right. It keeps me honest, and like a watchdog, keeps me away from the fridge. :-)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday after Olive Garden.

Okay, so I weighed today and was 181. Still hanging onto that 3 lbs from Christmas. No biggy. In the scheme of things, it's a drop in the bucket. When I was 256, adding another 3 lbs might have freaked me out, knowing I was getting bigger and bigger. But being at the weight I am now, this 3 lbs is not a worry. I know it's a normal fluctuation, and I'll get back on track. On the other hand, had I gained 15 over the holidays, I'd be blogging daily about how weak I was!
Last night was "date night" for my son and myself. He had been up skiing all day, and by the time texted to tell me he was on his way down the mountain, it was nearly 6pm. I promised him a night out, if he was still up to it. So when he got home, he showered, and we headed out for his choice of restaurant. He's a kid after my own heart, and we both love our Italian food! So we went out to Olive Garden. I had the eggplant, and he had the "Tour of Italy" with three portions of different items on his plate. He hadn't eaten since 3pm, and was starved! I had my eggplant Parmesan, and salad and bread. Olive Garden has a special menu, if you can find it, in their lobby. It lists all their gluten-free and low-cal dinners and lunches. I almost ordered from that menu, but changed my mind last minute. I truly love eggplant, and since I don't make it at home, (although it's easy enough... why don't I??) I always order it when we go out for Italian. The low-cal option that I passed on was the Apricot Chicken, with steamed veggies. It was 380 calories for the plate, plus a handful more calories for the salad, and a bit more if you eat the irresistible bread sticks. Yum.
We did go to a movie after dinner, but even my son was too full for popcorn. We just enjoyed the movie on a full tummy from dinner. Long day for him... he was in bed as soon as we got home. He worked hard on the slopes, and it was nice to get him out for some mommy/son time.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is anybody out there?

Wow! A month has gone by, and no posts from me. So sorry to my many, many (20?) fans! :-)

I would have to look back at what I last posted, but I think I was somewhere around 178, and looking forward to the new year to get back to basics and drop the last 15 or so lbs. That's still the plan, and we've restocked the pantry with our low-cal snacks, etc. But honestly, the rest of our diet hasn't changed. Still sticking pretty close to our salad/veggie/protein dinners, and fruit and grains. I didn't weigh myself today, and haven't for a week or so. I know that just after Christmas, I was at 181, which is a little above my "safe range". I had been as low as 173, and had bounced between that weight and 178 for about 4 months. I blame the Christmas fudge, gravy and stuffing, and over-indulgences for that 3 lbs gain. Oh well... moving on...
I'll get back to writing more often. I have to admit, it's more fun to write when there is a loss to report. How fun is it to log on and read, "Still the same weight... Maintaining well, thank you."
BORING! But I promise to do better.
In the meantime, I've had such a recurrence of issues with my lower back, that the running, (or jog/walking) that I had started doing at the gym has had to be put on hold. It used to be that I could go a month or so before my back pain suddenly flared up, and I was in pain for days at a time. But those infrequent bouts with being nearly crippled, have become more frequent, and I've decided to see a chiropractor.
Long ago, I consulted with a chiropractor when I thought he could help me with my carpel tunnel problems. He wanted a lot of money up front, with no guarantees, so I passed on that route, and went straight for the surgical method of relief. I never saw a chiropractor again.
But the fact that I have uneven hips, and the continuing issue of poor posture due to scoliosis, I thought it was time to see what could be done.
He's working on me, and I think there will eventually be improvement. But what I learned was this: The abdominal machine that I love, and that I swear by, is not doing my back any favors. In fact, he asked that I not use it, and that I wait until he gets me adjusted a few times before I try any back or ab exercises. He's going to show me, when he feels it's a good time, how to work those muscles without injuring my back, or putting any strain on the weak areas.
Fine. I'll just let my belly sag. LOL The fat is not there like it used to be, but the muscles seriously need work. But right now, my back is most important. Having it be at less than 100% working condition puts my income at risk. I have to be able to lift, twist, jump, throw, and mostly walk. First things first.
I do so love my new chiropractor. He's solved for me the mystery of why my butt is so big. "Inflammation". Hmm. Why didn't I think of that?? ;-)